MaNiAkJiMmY's PaGe
Ally Rememberances :)


Guestbook | ~RPG MEMORIES~ | ToP TeN LiStS | PoEtrY | Ally Rememberances :) | NeWs | My MaIn PaGe | ALL AbOuT Me | My FaNfIc | All Hearts Dream (A work in progress :) ) | JiMmY's FrOnT PaGe StOrY | FaVoRiTe FaNfIc/ FaNpAgE | JIMMYISMS | LiNkS | JiMmY PiCs/ LoNe GuNmEn | ALL THE WORLDS AN X


This page is for Ally!
I just wanted to say, that however you say "Good-Bye" Ally, that doesn't matter to me, what is most important is that you were here, even if it was only for 5 yrs. Thank you so much David E. Kelly for creating Ally and the other characters.
You made things serious in a way I've never seen before, and you just had me cracking up with laughter at some of the craziest things I've ever seen. ;) Three cheers for what you created, it will live on, every time I sniff my parents waddles when they are driving...or when I dance around the house like a goofball, remembering how Amburr used to dance like Ally at work on the night shift. All of those things will be with me forever...whenever me and Vickin talk about John's nose whistles..;) It's all there. And when the curtains close and we say good-bye to what we once loved, I will not forget about a character that was so narcotic, she was real, and I loved her every step of the way, she was me, she was every girl out there.
A big thanks goes to one of my bestest friends in the whole world for helping me out with this project;  VICKIN! YOU GO GIRL! I love ya lots, and don't know what I would do without ya!
If anyone has any they would like me to add, or if you would like to comment, you know how to reach me!
           ALLY MCBEAL         FOREVER!

2. CLAIRE OTEMS AND HER "COLONIAL HOME"..and those darn hot dogs!
3. How she always says: "You're lovely"..and when she went into the Unisex searching for the new guy, and was laying on top of the stalls looking into all of them, then in that same episode, when he closed all of the doors on her head!
4. When Claire lip-synced "I'm a Woman" for Nelle..the look on Nelle's face!!
5.  When Georgia stood up and started singing, and everyone sang along to drown out her voice.
6. When Ally fell into the toilet bowl. John accidentally bumped her, the bathroom stall door was open and so the toilet seat was up and she fell in. They had to call the fire department They tried flushing the toilet and that made her get aroused. She was making little noises and giggling.
7.  When Claire accidently bumped Ally and she fell into the stall door and then right into Matthew Perry's arms, and she was giggling, and told him that she sniffed Victor's ass once! The way she said it was priceless, I am never going to forget that.
8. Anytime Ally sniffed an ass, when she liked a guy....
9. John Cage's Barry White obsession, and how he "Lost" him....
10. All of the men dancing in the Unisex..
13.  Larry leaving her the snowman that she kept in her refridgerator.
14.  Richard doing that thing to the back of Ling's knee that made her orgasm. Then when Richard taught John how to do it, and he did it to Renee.
15.  THE WAY ALLY DANCES! (Thanks for the fun at work for that Amburr, dancing Ally fans forever!)
16.  When Ally was in the coffee cup.
17. The time she kept getting smaller..and smaller..and smaller...and smaller..LOL!
18.  When she kept seeing that little boy, and when she saw a midget, she kicked it, and it turned out to be a little boy, and he sat in her lap, and cried all the time while trying to debate a case! He tried to breast feed!
19. Her fake boyfriend, the blow up doll.
20. When she mistaked Larry for a shrink, and told him all sorts of dirty gossip.
21. John and his Mariachi Band.."Ay-yi-yi-yi" *Sings*..Then yells: "AY-YI-YI-YI!"
22.  John's nose whistles during court, at just the right times.
23. When he would take squeeky toys or things to distract the other person into the court room.
24. Preparing for his closings in his office in his bare feet. *It helped him concentrate!*
25.  John's squeeky shoes!
26.  John's stuttering...P-P-Pokipsky..the word he located that helped him to stop doing it! LOL, not really!
27. Every time he would stutter he would sing a little song.
28. When John thought that Nelle wanted to be spanked, so he spanked her!
29. LIZA BUMP! Lolita! When she took Richard back to her house to have sex with him, and she had a diving board above her bed, and she jumped on him from way up there, then told him that they couldn't have sex. He whimpered! LOL!
30. Anytime Richard had to try and litigate a case, he'd stand up and say: "Ob-ject-tion...unconstitutional!" He didn't know what he was talking about!
34.  Ling's growls that are like a lion, and Nelle's too..or the Wicked Witch theme song that came on when Ling came on!
35. When Ally had visions of shaking her daughter!
36.  Ally's ass being made of cellulite!
37. "Men LOVE my ass!"
38. When Maddie's babysitter died, and they were trying to take her out of the house, and they almost dropped her right on them! LOL!
39.  Nelle's heels!
40.  Paul "POTTS POTTS POTTS" and clap three times each!
41. That show that contained the above, and the black dude that thought he was a woman, and the scary looking guy with the big nose!
42. Heather Locklear as a guest star, and how she had TWO husbands and then wanted John to..
43.  JOHN'S HOLE.....and how everyone else found out about it.
44.  Melanie *Anne Heche* and her teretes syndrome...;) All her little outbursts: "PIP SQUEAK!" Or when ever she jerked! When she introduced John to her homeless father, and the guy tried to wrestle him, and followed him to work when John tried to take a crap....
45. The word "Puny" and how it turned on Liza Bump.
46. John yelling at Liza in the hot tub: "MY JOHNSON!"
47. When she rattled him in court and he said "Sexjism" instead of "Sex-ism"..and then she said: "Sex-IST"..
48.  When Ally's legs fell off and she was banging one of them on the floor.
49.  Ally's own little "Ikettes"...
50.  All of her crazy shrinks, Tracey...and then the guy who always called her "Allison" and said: "Give me your hand".
51.  Tracey's theme song and how she danced..ew...
52.  When she sang "Santa Baby".
53. Tracey's laughing button.
54.  Ally swimming around under water.
55.  Ally dating that father and son, and when she was out with the father and said that everytime she thought about sex a lot she used her napkin, and you see her rubbing her mouth around the edges.
56. When she dumped that one guy just because he got salad dressing on his chin. Because afterwards she kept seeing him with that on his face!
57. Anytime Ally walks down the street and hears music: "Tell him..Tell him..I know something about love.."
58.  At the beginning of Season 5 when she rode that motorized moped and ran right into Jenny!
59.  John working on his "Adorable Flirty Smile"..scary!
60. When Nelle and the scum guy digitally fixed that tape to show the lady having sex with 3 men and a woman and a cow named "Clementine!"
61. John saying: "I like a fresh bowl." After pushing the flush button on that thing.
62. Claires wedding dress. *Shudders*
63. How John did summersaults.
64. Georgia and Ally's kick boxing!
65. Ling and Ally dancing seductively...and we can't forget the kiss!
66. When Ling's sister got breast implants, and then the girl that advertised for them had better boobs, and Ling's sisters were hard and didn't bounce, Raymond and Richard felt them! LOL!
67. The third to the last episode, when Richard's dad came on, and he was an exact replica of Richard! He sniffed Liza's waddle and went: "Soot." I don't think she liked it :) But I thought it was funny! He said bygones, bugger, and that's unconstitutional! Pursuit of happiness..blah blah blah..I also liked Claire pushing up her boobs when Elaine did it! :) :) :) Whooo hooo Elaine for fulfilling your dream! And Nelle really isn't a bitch, what a bummer?! LOL!
68. "She's toast, I'M THE BISCUIT!"
69.  Elaines head getting bigger, and bigger and bigger....
70. When Richards head was right in front of the camera during the Pilot episode! Scary! *Shudders!*
71. Ally getting squished by the bowling ball in the Pilot episode!
72. Ally humming just like John whenever she got nervous during a case.
73.  John's bagpipes.....HORRIBLE!
74. When Ally got toilet paper stuck on her shoe..
75. Claire's growling!
76. "I'm going to give you a butterfly!"
77. Liza calling John: "Squarepants", then the judge asking who the heck SPONGEBOB IS!!!
78. John's: "Balls..."
79.  The multiple personality lady!!!!
80. "Ode to the bran muffin...five minutes to blast might want to leave..this could be bad!"
81. The final episode....
I just had to say the whole thing, because I bawled my eyes out like a little baby, I didn't want Ally to leave!! :( But it was time to go...and John, Richard, Nelle, Georgia, Renee, and Elaine will never forget how Ally was the soul of the place. *And the one thing I always loved about the show, they always put happiness with sadness, can't forget the Preacher who kept fainting whenever things got emotional so John had to pull on that rope during Richard and Liza's wedding to wake him up!* And she finally got to say Good-Bye to Billy....
82. John dancing around with the duster..:) They need partners too, obviously!
83. When Ally deflates like shes a blow up doll!
84. The sentimental "Fly"episode...
85. Drip Waddle...
86. Richard and his old lady....
87. When they sang to John, telling him he needed a woman!
88. The guy that used John as a coat rack, a leaning post, and a chair! He really did kick a soccer ball, not his wifes head! Honest!
89. Ally's daughter Maddie. (She rocked!)
90. How Ally's voice speeded up..
91. John's "Makeover" and his firm buttock, he's right, it didn't work!
92. Elaine's ice goggles...
93. When Ally popped her blow-up doll boyfriend..
94. Ally screaming in the middle of the courtroom...
95. Richard and John going undercover, and Ally's head phone squeaking.
96. Claire's acid reflux. gross!
97. When John and Richard fight in the car, and John gets all tangled up, and when he says: "Lesbian, call 911....!"
98. Claire is a....bubble..?!
99. Jenny's head being decapitated, or actually all the other's missing their heads!
100. Ally's Singing Boy..who said she was killing him!
101. Kimberly Bishop.......
102. John's voice "Trailing-Up"...
103. Mariah Carey and her spotlight...
104. Ally's hat picking out her house.....
105. The orgasm massage chair that all the girls keep wanting to go too!
106. Any annoying singers in court...!
107. When they all fixed up Ally's house for her and a coatrack means "Home"...*That episode had special meaning for me, because I in fact was moving into a new house right after that episode took place, so all I wanted was coat rack to make it feel like made me very sad..*
108. "Allison give me your hand.." "Oh, why don't you just pick a finger!"
109. Richard can't paint!

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