MaNiAkJiMmY's PaGe


Ally Rememberances :)
My MaIn PaGe
My FaNfIc
All Hearts Dream (A work in progress :) )
JiMmY's FrOnT PaGe StOrY
FaVoRiTe FaNfIc/ FaNpAgE
JiMmY PiCs/ LoNe GuNmEn


This is the page to come to and find that one little Jimmy line that you loved, but don't remember, because this page has it all! I loved everything he said, so it's all here! Enjoy!! :D

Bond, Jimmy Bond


YOUNG MAN: Civilians on the field! Time out!

YOUNG MAN: Check, guys. Coming through.

YOUNG MAN: Not just a team, but a league. We're the first but we got franchises starting up. In California, Arizona and Florida. God bless modern technology. Sonar helmets, beeping footballs. I know it'll work. I promise you, one day you'll be watching these men on ESPN

BYERS: So, all this was your brain child, Mr. -


JIMMY: Bond, Jimmy Bond.


(He and BYERS shake hands.)


JIMMY: Call me Jimmy.


(There's a crash and they all look to see two players have crashed into a bench.)


JIMMY: Nice hustle, guys. Now, give me some wind sprints!


(He becomes more serious and turns to FROHIKE.)


YOUNG MAN: How're you feeling?


JIMMY: Listen. I'm real sorry about you getting tackled but this practice is private. You gentlemen here for a reason?


BYERS: We're journalists. We're interested in doing a story about your league.


JIMMY: Sports Illustrated?


LANGLY: The Lone Gunman.


JIMMY: Right on? Huntin' and fishing'? I like that.


JIMMY: Yes it is. But how do you put a price tag on a dream. Now, I know that it sounds corny but when I look at those men's faces, when they make a tackle, catch a pass - OK, that hasn't actually happened yet - but still, to me, it's worth all the silver in Fort Knox.


JIMMY: I mean, this is America, and every citizen has a God-given right to play football!


LANGLY: Where do you get your money from?


JIMMY: We're a charitable endowment. We have benefactors that really believe in what we've got going on here.


BYERS: Who are they? We'd love to talk to them.


JIMMY: So would I - to thank them. They're completely anonymous. And they want to keep it that way. They're not in it for the glory. (pause) Shouldn't you guys be writing this down?

FOOTBALLER: Hey coach!


(They empty the contents of the barrel over the other end of the bench and high-five each other. JIMMY smiles to himself.)

JIMMY: Here you go. (BYERS takes it - it's clearly heavier than it looked when JIMMY was holding it.) Glad to help.

JIMMY: Good scrimmage, guys. Way to go. Benny, nice TD, high five.


(Benny is about to high-five JIMMY, when JIMMY hears FROHIKE and BYERS behind him and turns. Benny misses JIMMY's hand and falls to the ground with a thud.)


JIMMY: It's irresistible. The passion of these guys. I'm telling you, Monday night football better watch their butts! Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh! (he laughs) Love this game!

JIMMY: What are you talking about?


FROHIKE: There is no league, bub. We checked. The other franchises don't exist. There's just you.


(JIMMY is still smiling - doesn't believe him.)


FROHIKE: And you're the fall guy.


(JIMMY is still smiling but incredulous.)




BYERS: Yours is the only name on record. Your company had a bank check cut to a computer programmer named Alex Goldsmith.


JIMMY: He was going to design our web page.


(JIMMY's face falls.)


JIMMY: I knew it! I knew there was something up with that guy. Wouldn't give me his name, his phone number. He was talking about anonymous benefactors. Oh, man! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!


(He hits himself on the forehead with the football when saying this, each time the football emitting a beep. He is very upset.)

JIMMY: Hey! That was my idea. I thought that up.




JIMMY: What about my team. What happens to them?




JIMMY: You know, some people actually laugh at those guys. Like blind football's funny. Like it's a lost cause. I think they're missing the point. These boys are out here because it's difficult, because people say it can't be done. They have courage. And God knows we need more guys like that, that have the courage to fight for the lost causes. Cos every now and then, one of them wins.

FROHIKE: That guy who set you up? We know where you can find him.


(JIMMY looks very, very serious.)

(A monitor showing the Belamisk mansion. JIMMY walks up to the gates. We pan back to YVES watching the monitor in the VW. FROHIKE and BYERS climb in. Via a microphone, we hear JIMMY shouting "Hello! Hello!")


(The monitor shows JIMMY shouting into the intercom by the gates. He tries the gates - they're locked).


(Cut to shot of JIMMY through the gates.)


JIMMY: Open up - you - people! Open up!


(The gates start to swing open. JIMMY walks through and approaching him are the VALET and security guard. The VALET has a golf club and he is smacking the head against his palm in a menacing manner.)


JIMMY: Hey there! Remember me? How's it shaking, buddy.

JIMMY: I was in the neighbourhood. Came by to meet the anonymous benefactors. (shouts) Hello! Anonymous benefactors

JIMMY: (smacks his hand against his forehead) Oh! You know what I just found out? (shouts) There aren't any! (quietly) You know what else I found out? You're a murderer, who plans to buy a bunch of nerve gas and you set me up to be your (shouts) fall guy!

JIMMY: I know some people, OK? Investigative journalists. They write for this hunting and fishing magazine, and they set me straight about everything. You're going down, my German friend.


VALET: I'm not German.


JIMMY: You're going up, up, up the river. I just wanted to tell you personally. So that every time you're in that prison TV room watching football, you'll think about me and my boys.


(JIMMY smiles and turns to walk away.

(Fade into JIMMY lying unconscious on a carpeted floor. Off-screen someone is saying "Psst! Psst!")


LANGLY: Hey, guy! (JIMMY begins to waken.) James Bond!


(JIMMY lifts his head and looks in the direction of the voice. He sees a door which has a gap between it and the floor. Through this gap can be seen LANGLY's hand. JIMMY crawls over to the door.)


JIMMY: Is your name Langly?

JIMMY: I've brought you a little present from your friends. Though I don't think it'll fit under this door. Oh! Wait! Just had a thought.


(He punches his fist through the lower panel of the door just above LANGLY's head.)


JIMMY: (whispering) How's that?

JIMMY: Here you go.


(He passes through to LANGLY a small device.)


JIMMY: This is what you call a "ghostly mode circle".


LANGLY: A ghost modem circuit.


JIMMY: Yeah, pretty much. It enables you to contact your friends outside, um, without fear of electrical surveillance overreach which has to do with the cadence -

JIMMY: You just plug it into your AC outlet over there.


LANGLY: DC! Thanks.

(Cut to JIMMY looking anxiously out of a window in an outer door and checking his watch. He suddenly starts coughing loudly, to cover the sound of him smashing the door open.)

Cut to JIMMY who is on the lawn outside the mansion. He looks up and sees LANGLY on the balcony.)




JIMMY: Come on! Jump!


(LANGLY looks around. He's not sure.)


JIMMY: Do it! Just jump!


LANGLY: What, are you nuts?


JIMMY: I jumped. It's not that far.

(Cut to JIMMY still encouraging LANGLY to jump.)


JIMMY: Come on. I'll catch you.


(JIMMY holds his arms up ready to catch LANGLY.)


LANGLY: Catch me?


(LANGLY hears voices behind him.)


LANGLY: You promise?


JIMMY: Yeah.


(LANGLY climbs over the railing and rests his feet on a ledge.)


JIMMY: I got you. Come on. I gotcha.


(Behind JIMMY, FROHIKE approaches.)


FROHIKE: Hurry up! Come on!


(JIMMY turns at the sound of FROHIKE's voice, still with his hands raised. LANGLY falls to the ground behind him. JIMMY winces.)

JIMMY: Yee-hah! Right on, man. You guys live life on the edge.

LANGLY: We're right back where we started.


(JIMMY's face looks very disheartened.)

LANGLY: Oh. Oh, no. No way.


(JIMMY is sat on the steps, smiling.)


BYERS: Jimmy? You paid for these?


(JIMMY gets up and walks down the steps.)


JIMMY: You guys fight the lost causes. I wanna help


Eine Kleine Frohike

VOICE OFFSCREEN: Crush who? Who's going to get crushed?


(It's JIMMY. Smiling as usual.)

JIMMY: What, are you kidding? Working with guys like you - it's a dream.


BYERS: Jimmy.


JIMMY: I've been looking my whole life for something like this. To feel like I make a difference, to work with men of integrity, to fight to make this a better country. You three, you're heroes. I am so proud to be a part of this team. Just talking about it - (pulls up his jacket sleeve) Look at that goosebumps

(to JIMMY) We'll give you your money back. Just get out of here.


(JIMMY is serious.)


JIMMY: I get it. I get what you're trying to say. (He starts to smile.) Old Yeller.


(The Lone Gunmen look at each other, bewildered.)


JIMMY: In Old Yeller, the kid yells at the dog to make him leave. He loves that dog. He doesn't want him to go. Guys, don't feel weird about taking my money. It's my honor.


(The door buzzer sounds.)


JIMMY: We're going to keep the dream alive. (punches the air)


(JIMMY goes to answer the door.)


JIMMY opens the door. A older man, MICHAEL WILHELM, probably in his sixties with grey hair, is standing there.)


JIMMY: Can I help you?


WILHELM: I am looking for (holds up a copy of The Lone Gunman) this man. (The newspaper is folded back to show a photograph of FROHIKE. Caption is Melvin Frohike - Someone is listening.) He writes for your newspaper?


JIMMY: Uh-uh.

JIMMY: I don't wanna sound stupid. Should I know who that is?

FROHIKE: Check the files under T for 'The' Poisoner.


(JIMMY moves off but BYERS catches and stops him.)


JIMMY: Nazis. I hate those guys.

He hands over the photograph which is of the FROHIKE-look-alike from the teaser.)



(He closes his case and goes off to the door. JIMMY follows him to let him out.)

(JIMMY has returned, obviously emotionally affected by the story. FROHIKE looks at him.)

Finally, FROHIKE walks down the steps into the main office. JIMMY is amazed.)


JIMMY: Check it out.

BYERS: It appears to be -


JIMMY: (laughing) - on her butt.


Suddenly music starts, "Bad to the Bone". She looks around. JIMMY slides into view, his back towards YVES. He's wearing a shirt and socks and, presumably, underpants. He is dancing/playing air guitar. He jumps round (we see he's wearing dark glasses) and spots YVES who's watching him with a somewhat disgusted look. JIMMY runs off, slipping on the floor. The music stops with a screech. YVES goes back to the keyboard. JIMMY, pulling on his pants, slides back into view, still wearing the dark glasses.)


JIMMY: Wait a minute. What are you doing here? I know who you are - you're the lady whose name's the same backwards as is it forwards.


YVES: No it is not. "Yves Adele Harlow" is an anagram, not a palindrome.


JIMMY: Yeah. Exactly. Backwards it's Lee Harvey Oswald.


YVES: No. Backwards it's nothing. Backwards - uh - why am I even talking to you?

YVES: By all means continue dancing.


JIMMY: Woah, woah, woah. Where are you going with that? Give me that.


YVES: This? (puts it down the front of her shirt) You're not going to try and take it from me, are you?


(JIMMY shakes his head. YVES pats him on his face.)


YVES: Mmmm, smart boy.


(She starts to move off. JIMMY stops her.)


JIMMY: Woah. But you're not going anywhere either. Not until I know what's going on.


YVES: Is that even possible? For you to know what's going on?


(She tries to walk past JIMMY but he stops her again. He fold his arms and looks at her.)


YVES: Fine. Your three stooges. They're investigating a woman named Madame Davos.


JIMMY: Maybe. Maybe not.


YVES: They are. And as usual they're in way over their heads.


JIMMY: Oh, yeah? And, why's that?


YVES: What do you know about the man that brought them the story?


JIMMY: He's some poor old French guy named Michael Wilhelm. (pause) Yeah, he's named after his father who's the pre - pre-something of some French village, Versh - Vershun. Anyway, he was poisoned to death.


YVES: Michael Wilhelm, the Prefect of Verzenay, was indeed murdered by the poisoner of Alsace, only he died childless.


JIMMY: So - who was the guy who was here?

YVES and JIMMY appear from around the corner.)


JIMMY: All right, I told you where to find him, now tell me who he is.


YVES: You've heard of Stasi, the East German secret police?


(JIMMY nods. They go round another corner.)

A hotel employee appears in the corridor. YVES pulls JIMMY towards her.)


YVES: Pretend that you like me.


(JIMMY grins and leans in to kiss her. YVES grabs his chin and turns his head away.)

JIMMY: Oh. Uh - he - so, yeah. What does this even have to do with The Lone Gunman investigating Madame Davos.


(YVES has put a card in the door's electronic lock and the red lights change to green.)


YVES: Have you seen Mr. Wilhelm's left buttock?


JIMMY: Baby I don't swing that way. Especially not with old guys.

JIMMY: Wait, wait a minute. So, you're saying that he's her son? That doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't he just go to her himself?


YVES: Because he knows there's a bounty on his head. Why not send three stalking horses to find out whether or not it's a trap.


JIMMY: We need to tell the guys. If what you say is true ...


YVES: Then they're right where they should be, keeping their eye on that woman.


(YVES goes into the room, but stops JIMMY from following her.)


YVES: You're my lookout. Think you can handle that?


JIMMY: Puh-lease!

JIMMY is carefully watching the elevator on floor 4. Behind him, WILHELM exits the stairwell and walks towards his hotel room. JIMMY hears the stairwell door close, turns round and sees WILHELM.)

(Outside the hotel room, JIMMY is listening intently at the door. There's a tap on his shoulder and he whirls round to see YVES.)


YVES: Thank you. Wonderful job.


JIMMY: He's a sneaky son of a gun. Tell you what, I - (getting YVES sarcasm) sorry. What now?


YVES: Now we warn your three friends that he plans to kill them.

YVES and JIMMY go up to the VW and JIMMY knocks on the door. BYERS opens it.)

JIMMY: Guys, listen. The guy we thought was the son of the guy that died wasn't the son at all, he was the son of the lady that killed the guy.

(MRS HAAG comes back with another tie which she hold up against FROHIKE's chest. He shakes his head. She taps him lightly on the face and goes away. FROHIKE goes back to the window - no sign of JIMMY in the garden. Suddenly JIMMY appears at the window, having shinned up the drainpipe.)


FROHIKE: What the hell's the matter with you.


JIMMY: I'm trying to give you a message.


FROHIKE: Message? What message?


JIMMY: Mrs Haag. She's not the one.


(JIMMY notices something behind FROHIKE. FROHIKE turns - MRS HAAG is there.)

(The drainpipe parts company with the wall, taking JIMMY with it. FROHIKE winces on hearing the crash)

LANGLY: Now we get me to a hospital.


JIMMY: You're gonna be A-OK, buddy. (pause) Come on, let's puke you again.


(JIMMY appears to be using the Heimlich manoeuvre on LANGLY.)


LANGLY: Ow, I hardly know you.


(YVES taps JIMMY on the shoulder.)


YVES: It's your turn. I need you to get undressed.


(JIMMY drops LANGLY unceremoniously, and smiles. YVES looks disgusted.)

NOT-WILHELM: Then your ass is grass, lady.


(NOT-WILHELM peels off the latex covering his face to reveal his real identity. It is JIMMY.)


JIMMY: Man, you were so fooled!

JIMMY: There's the man himself. Secret agent man. We make one heck of a team, huh?


(He holds his arms wide open.)


FROHIKE: We don't hug.

JIMMY: Then why did she stick around after she knocked out Wilhelm? And do this cool make-up job.


(He pulls at some of the latex still sticking to his neck. It snaps back.)


JIMMY: Owww!! (pause) She did save our butts. Maybe she's not the person you think she is.

(YVES drives off into the night. JIMMY watches her with admiration)

"Like Water For Octane"

(We open with a black and white film with several different segments: a street parade with people carrying American flags, soldiers wading ashore from landing vehicle, JFK, moon landing, Churchill, Gandhi. While this montage is playing, a commentary is provided by JIMMY.)

JIMMY (VO): Heroes. Once in a a great while they come along when we need them most. Like President Churchill who won World War II, and Gandhi the peaceful leader of the Indians or as we know them, Native Americans.

JIMMY (VO): The thing about heroes is you can never tell where the next one is gonna come from.

JIMMY (VO): And you don't always recognize them at first sight.

JIMMY (VO): Three heroes.

(The photos change to show now-FROHIKE, now-LANGLY and now-BYERS.)

JIMMY (VO): Three separate paths leading to one shared destiny.

(The photos change to film footage, the breeze blowing LANGLY's locks, the camera angle then moving back and up showing the three in very heroic poses. The backgrounds are red, white and blue.)

JIMMY (VO): To change the world. To make history. Today's the day it happens...

(The Lone Gunmen's VW draws up outside the building.)

JIMMY (VO): You gotta figure. People never see history coming. It kind of just sneaks up on you.

(BYERS gets out of the VW.)

JIMMY (VO): Like when the Chinese bombed Pearl Harbour. You're living your life then - boom! You're swept up in it.

(Cut to Lone Gunmen offices. FROHIKE is feeding a sheet of paper into a shredder.)

FROHIKE: So, we're clear on this, uh? One more time?

(He's collected the shredded paper onto a piece of cardboard, which he shows to JIMMY.)

FROHIKE: Our new shredder policy. Let's hear it.

JIMMY: Paper, si. Coffee filters, no.

(FROHIKE takes JIMMY's hand and places the piece of cardboard on it.)

FROHIKE: I'm watching you.

JIMMY: You make those little guys shoot at each other?

LANGLY: That's not the point, Jimmy. This game isn't about violence, it's about empire building. I spent two solid weeks creating this medieval civilization from the ground up.

FROHIKE: Yet you're still a thirty-two year old virgin.

(FROHIKE looks at JIMMY.)

FROHIKE: The irony.

The door buzzer sounds. JIMMY checks the monitor. He opens the door and BYERS falls in clutching the very heavy cardboard box which he drops on the floor.)

JIMMY: Woah. Woah.

(JIMMY picks the box up.)

JIMMY: You gotta pick it up with your legs.

(BYERS struggles to his feet and closes the door. JIMMY drops the box onto the table where FROHIKE is sitting.)

JIMMY: What's in the box?

JIMMY has picked up a sheet of paper that was in the bottom of the box.)

LANGLY (concentrating on his monitor): Like the Bishop of Orange is trying right now. Busted, you Byzantine hack.

JIMMY: There's something else in here.

(He holds it up, most of the contents on the sheet have been blacked out.)

FROHIKE: Yeah, it's junk. Would you clean this up and don't try to put the cinder block through the shredder.

FROHIKE: (to BYERS) Hey, cheer up, buddy.

JIMMY: You know, guys, not every line of this is crossed off. I see some numbers, a name -

FROHIKE: It's junk. Shred it.

LANGLY: Here we go. The coronation of King Langly. Two full weeks of alliance building and backstabbing and now finally I get to reap the benefits.

JIMMY: Funny name. Stan Mizer.

(FROHIKE reacts to the name. He looks over and sees JIMMY put the paper into the shredder).

JIMMY: So - uh - this guy Mizer -

(FROHIKE points a finger at him in a "shut up" manner.)

(FROHIKE puts the plastic sheets with the bits in between in a scanner and then sits at a computer. He using software which is reconstructing the document. Very cool.)

JIMMY: Can I talk now?

(The other three look at him and then back at the computer screen.)

JIMMY: This guy Mizer. Who was he?

JIMMY: So, what did the car look like?

FROHIKE: The 1959 Studebaker Lark.

(JIMMY grimaces.)

JIMMY: Tail fins?

FROHIKE: No tail fins. Why?

JIMMY: I dunno. What colour was it.

FROHIKE: Seafoam green. (turns to JIMMY) What the hell does it matter what colour it was? Do you understand what we're talking about here? A car that ran on water. Not gasoline. Same horsepower but zero pollution and an endless supply of energy. Can't you see how that would have changed the world?

JIMMY: I definitely see how it would suck if we all had to drive green Studebaker Larks..

JIMMY: So how do you think that wound up in here, anyway?

BYERS: A fluke, I assume. It stuck to the bottom of the cinder block.

(Cut to The Lone Gunmen offices. LANGLY is working on a laptop, JIMMY is looking at the piece of paper. LANGLY yells.)

LANGLY: Dahhhhh! That's it, man. I left it all in the field. There's no record of this pallet 62/67221 anywhere. I cracked into every data cache I can think of - DOD, Department of Energy, oil and car companies, government warehouses, that number just isn't out there.

JIMMY: Did you try the internet?

(LANGLY looks at JIMMY.)

LANGLY: Yes. I even tried the internet.

(LANGLY rubs his eyes in exhaustion.)

JIMMY: Here's what I don't get. FROHIKE's really, really into this car, and then this thing shows up about the car. That seems pretty lucky.

LANGLY: Yeah, it's lucky.

(Suddenly LANGLY stands up and grabs the paper.)

LANGLY: There's no FoI stamp on this thing. Every last damn scrap of paper in that office gets a stamp.

(JIMMY doesn't know what to say.)

LANGLY: Jimmy! It's a plant.

(Later LANGLY and JIMMY are walking down a corridor towards the CLERK's office.)

LANGLY: That government monkey tells us where this came from or we kick his ass. Agreed?

(They have entered the office and walk towards the counter. The camera pans to the counter where the CLERK has his head on the top by the machine which is busy stamping his necktie.)

JIMMY: Oh, man!

JIMMY: All right. Here's what we're gonna do. Byers, see that piece of log over there? Grab that. Simple physics, guys. The passenger side is higher so the center of gravity has shifted to the driver's side. Won't be that hard for me to lift the passenger side just enough so that Byers can slide the log under the axle. Instant jack.

(BYERS and FROHIKE exchange a look and BYERS goes over the get the log. JIMMY warms up his arms and shoulders by doing windmill exercises, then waist turns. He spits on each hand then crouches down, his back against the vehicle and grabs hold of the wheel-arch. He braces and starts to lift the vehicle. It gets enough height to raise the damaged tire off the ground. He lifts a bit further - and the VW topples over on to its side. It rolls over and down into a water-filled gully, landing on its side. They all stand and stare. BYERS throws the log down onto the ground.)

BYERS: Uh, Langly, stay here with Jimmy. Keep a look out.

LANGLY: What! Why do I get to babysit Gigantor?

FROHIKE: And try to keep him from knocking the earth out of its orbit.

(There's a sound of a cow mooing.)


JIMMY: It's just a cow.

LANGLY: It's not just a cow, it's a nightmare I thought I'd escaped.

(Behind LANGLY and JIMMY a man slides open a barn door and comes out into the yard. LANGLY spots him.)

LANGLY: OK, whatever it takes, we gotta get these people on our side. Do *not* say anything stupid.

MAN: Howdy.

(He shakes LANGLY's and then JIMMY's hands.)

MAN: It's good to see you.

(LANGLY looks in surprise at JIMMY who smiles and raises his eyebrows.)

LANGLY: Absolutely. Anything you can tell us would be much appreciated.

(LANGLY has the piece of paper. The man turns and starts walking away. LANGLY follows him.)

MAN: Well -

JIMMY: Hold up.

(The man turns back.)

JIMMY: Something's screwy. How did you know we were coming?

JIMMY: No. No, wait. I'm confused.

MAN: (angry) Look, are you or are you not here for J.T. because I don't take too kindly to trespassers.

LANGLY: Yeah, yeah. We're here for J.T.

(The man walks off. LANGLY stands there, JIMMY looks at him in dismay.)

(Cut to a gloved hand and arm with lubricant being put on it. Pan up - the hand and arm are LANGLY's. He's nervous.)

MAN: Right. Now J.T. is a mite sensitive - so take it easy.

(J.T. moos. LANGLY is almost hyperventilating. JIMMY looks disgusted.)

MAN: (to JIMMY) Hey you, get up front and help me calm J.T. down.

JIMMY: Is this one of those new genetic cow breeds? She's got that one gigantic udder.

(The man tut-tuts at JIMMY who's got a little too close the J.T.)

MAN: J.T. is a bull, not a cow. You grab him there and he's gonna kick your friend right through that wall.

(The man is now holding a double barrelled shotgun. JIMMY raises his hands.)

MAN: So who are you boys really, 'cos you don't know a damn thing about livestock. Are you from a collections agency?

(JIMMY with both hands raised shakes his head. LANGLY with his free hand raised shakes his head. At this point SHELLY and FROHIKE enter the shed.)

(Cut to later, outside. JIMMY is pouring water over LANGLY's hand and arm. LANGLY yells.)

LANGLY: Again. Hit me.

(JASON GUTHRIE is looking at the piece of paper BYERS is showing him.)

JASON: J.T. Those are my Dad's initials.

JIMMY: You call your bull Dad?

(Cut to inside one of the buildings. A man in an Air Force dress uniform is walking down a corridor. It's JIMMY. He throws a salute to the cleaner who looks at him rather oddly. He continues down the corridor. He stops and checks back to the cleaner who goes into a room.)

(Cut to office. JIMMY bursts in. It's dark but JIMMY has a flashlight. He closes the door and starts looking around.)

(Cut to a shot of the lower half of someone wearing fatigues and boots - walking down a corridor.)

(Back in the office, JIMMY is checking out a filing cabinet. He takes out a stack of files.)

(Cut back to the person walking down the corridor, getting nearer.)

(JIMMY switches on a desk lamp and settles down on the floor to look at the files.)

(Person still walking down the corridor. We see it's an MP. He shines his flashlight at an office that's been broken into.)

(JIMMY searches his pockets and takes out the piece of paper. He's checking it against a document in one of the files as the door opens. The document is the same.)

JIMMY: Bingo!

MP: Freeze! Face down on the floor!

(JIMMY winces.)

MP: Come on, buddy.

(JIMMY stretches face down on the floor. He's still holding the document from the file.)

MP: That's government property. Turn that loose.

JIMMY: Sorry, buddy. No can ...

(He grabs the MP's legs and sends him tumbling to the ground. A fight ensues in which the MP throws JIMMY against the filing cabinet. The MP grabs at the document but JIMMY reaches out for it as well and the document is torn in two. JIMMY then wrestles the MP to the ground, pulling his arms behind his back. In the struggle, JIMMY grabs the MP's beret and it comes off in his hand revealing the MP's long, black, wavy hair.)

YVES: (talking in a deep voice) You really are an oaf, you know that?

(YVES pulls out a dental plate similar to the type FROHIKE used in an earlier episode.)

YVES: I suppose half a document's better than none.

(She puts half of the torn document inside her jacket. She kicks JIMMY who ends up on the floor against the filing cabinet.)

YVES: What are you saying? That he's dead!

JIMMY: You didn't know?

(Day. The VW drives into the GUTHRIE yard. FROHIKE is driving, he toots the horn several times. LANGLY, BYERS and JIMMY - still putting on his trousers - come out of the house. FROHIKE goes over to them, holding a newspaper.)

FROHIKE: Come on! Come on! We gotta go, we gotta get to the silo!

(LANGLY and BYERS have reached him, JIMMY has fallen over.)

LANGLY: Why, what's the hurry.


(The headline on the newspaper - Minot Progress Gazette - reads:

End of an era
Silos to be demolished today

BYERS: They're being blown up? Today? As in today?

FROHIKE: Today, as in get in the damn van!

(The four, including JIMMY who's almost got his trousers on, pile into the VW.)

(A Marching Band is processing through the base. Engineers are preparing explosives. There's a crowd of people sitting in a stand, including JIMMY and YVES who's watching something through binoculars. They both look very anxious. YVES checks her watch. Camera pans to outside view of one of the silos.)

(Cut to YVES and JIMMY.)

YVES: Not good. Hurry it up

(We cut back to JIMMY and YVES, who is anxiously looking at her watch. The engineers start walking away from the silo and a siren sounds. YVES looks through her binoculars towards the road and sees a flat-bed truck driving off loaded with an old car partially covered by a tarpaulin. She focuses on the driver - it's FAST, the man who hired her. He sees her watching and smiles. YVES and JIMMY leave their seats.)

(Cut to above ground. The first silo explodes, then a second, then a third. JIMMY and YVES look on in horror. More explosions. The crowd is cheering and applauding.)

YVES: (Annoyed) Sh-

(It's night. A figure is using a pickaxe on a large area of stony rubble. Then picking up and throwing large lumps of concrete.)

YVES: (VO) That concrete you're trying to dig through is nine feet thick.

JIMMY: It doesn't matter.

(JIMMY is crying. He goes back to using the pickaxe. YVES is leaning up against her car.)

YVES: It's reinforced with hardened steel. It's designed to withstand a nuclear blast.

JIMMY: It doesn't matter. You pound anything long enough, it'll give.

YVES: Jimmy stop. It's pointless.

JIMMY: I love those guys.

(Suddenly YVES notices something in the distance. Through the fog walk three weary figures. YVES recognizes them and smiles. She turns to JIMMY.)

YVES: Jimmy.

(JIMMY is still tackling the rubble.)

YVES: Jimmy!

(He turns and sees YVES and the three figures. He realizes who they are and he breaks into a very broad grin.)

JIMMY: Oh, man!

(He rushes forward and grabs the three Gunmen in a bear hug. They quickly break free from his grasp.)

LANGLY: All right, already!

FROHIKE: Don't make me sorry I lived.

JIMMY: How did you get out?

BYERS: We crawled through a ventilation shaft. It surfaced about, uh, half a mile that way.

LANGLY: Underneath a Porta-John

JIMMY: Guys! This is wonderful!

FROHIKE: Yeah. Whoop-de-doo. We didn't get the car. (To YVES) Where did your oil company creep take it, anyway?

(JIMMY makes a leap and grabs a certain part of J.T.'s anatomy. J.T. kicks back, kicking FAST out through the side of the barn. YVES looks admiringly at JIMMY. JIMMY grins. The rest gather round J.T., FROHIKE checking out J.T.'s undercarriage. JIMMY looks over at JASON who grins back at him.)

(Cut to medics carrying FAST out on a gurney. FAST is in pain. JIMMY grins at YVES who gives him a "Oh, no" raised eyebrows look and gets in her car.)

JIMMY (VO): So that's how history is made. Not the kind of history in reading books or Peter Graves tells you on TV.

(The ambulance drives off.)

JIMMY (VO): I'm talking history no-one even knows about.

(JASON and SHELLY are walking, JASON takes hold of SHELLY's hand.)

JIMMY (VO): Except it happened.

(Close up of JASON's and SHELLY's clasped hands. Then we see them smiling and laughing.)

JIMMY (VO): It changed the world by not changing the world, if you follow me. And sometimes maybe not changing the world is a good thing.

(In the barn, the Gunmen are working on the car.)

JIMMY (VO): And what about that water-powered car? Obviously you don't have one in your driveway so you know it didn't wind up in Detroit, but it didn't get destroyed either.

(FROHIKE unscrews the top of a pipe and pours water into it.)

JIMMY (VO): It's still out there, waiting for a day when smart people of integrity get together ...

(Cut to outside the barn. BYERS slides open the doors.)

JIMMY (VO): ... and figure out a way to use it for the benefit of all mankind.

(FROHIKE is driving the car out.)

JIMMY (VO): Kind of like the atom bomb. It's because three heroes knew when not to act.

(FROHIKE is driving the car, grinning from ear to ear.)

JIMMY (VO): But for one shining moment, one brief afternoon, it was magical.

(Now we are looking down from a roof into the yard: FROHIKE is driving the car round in circles while LANGLY, BYERS and JIMMY follow in delight.)

"The X-Files" and "The Lone Gunmen" are owned by the creator Chris Carter, Fox Broadcasting, and 1013 Productions ;) I do not own them, if I did Jimmy would be happily locked in my closet and eating his cheesy poofs..the POOFY KIND NOT THE CRUNCHY! If you have any questions, or just comments, e-mail me at, thanks!