MaNiAkJiMmY's PaGe
FaVoRiTe FaNfIc/ FaNpAgE


Most of my favorite Fanfic is located at the link above ^

"Alter Ego"
By: Stacey Oziel

"Boo-Ray For Hollywood"
By: R.J. Christensen

By: Amanda

"Corre Para El Orilla"
By: Fox4242

"Itinerant Stasis: Book 1 & Book 2 Mulder's Story" is here:

FaVoRiTe X-FiLe EpIsOdEs: Paper Hearts, Fire, First Person Shooter, Deep Throat, Closure, Small Potatoes, Jose Chung's From Outer Space, Requiem, Gethsemane, Max, Herrenvolk, and Conduit.

FaVoRiTe ChArAcTeRs: Mulder, Mulder, Mulder, Mulder, Mulder, Mulder, Mulder (There 7 times lucky :)) It's always gotta be him...not just for his body, but he's everything I would ever want in a friend. Without him, there are no x-files. And of course Scully, because without her, there would be no Mulder right now. She's the best role model a girl could have! My other favorites include: Alex Krycek (For being the best bad bad bad guy), Cigarette Smoking Man (Boy, we miss that poor bastard, lol), Remember Max? I loved Max Fenig!!! I miss him too! Kiss a star to the heavens and wish for the best for him! Also Walter Skinner, for all the messes he got Mulder and Scully out of. But not for doing what he did to Krycek. And of course the LONE GUNMEN! BYERS, FROHIKIE, AND ABOVE ALL....LANGLY!

FaVoRiTe ViLlIaNs: "Je Souhaite"'s Jennia! If she was a villian at all, she was just really cool. Cecil L'ively *For Agent Kiarra, who lives for him*, John Barnett *Because the young version of him was a trip*, Krycek and Smoking Man, Eugene Tooms *Who can't mention him?*, and Flukie! LoL! Before Billy Miles bit the big one recently, he was pretty good at being a bad guy. Also lots of thanks to Robert "Pusher" Modell, because he's one of my favorites because of his abilities!

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